#this is going in my letterboxd review btw
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narumi-gens · 1 year ago
I just saw the zone of interest and despite it being a very serious movie, had an almost comically absurd experience.
I showed up as the trailers were playing and they sound was wayyyy off, like everyone was speaking through a can and zero bass. so I'm kind of worried but hope it's just the trailers. and then the movie starts and it's a very arty movie so the first like 5 min are just a black screen and the score going wild, but I couldn't tell if anything was wrong and then the sound cuts out altogether but it's still a black screen. and everyone is just sitting there in silence for a good 3-5 min thinking "well, it's an arthouse movie so this is normal" until an employee comes in and says "there's a problem with the sound, so we're trying to restart the movie." and so everyone sits there in the pitch black and totally silent for another 5 min.
then the movie starts over again and we have to sit in the dark with a black screen for another 5 min and the score going wild. and then the movie opens, but there's zero dialogue for another 5-10 min, so the entire time I'm just like "oh no, is it fixed??" then finally characters start talking and the sound was fixed and my poor little film nerd heart was so relieved bc the sound design was amazing and I was so worried I was going to miss it.
anyway, def recommend seeing it, it's super timely, but what a movie-watching experience. go back to the cinemas ppl!
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hexedvampire · 2 months ago
watching the matrix got me feeling like the world is in my hands and anything is possible
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cryolyst · 10 months ago
royal pain thought she had it soooo hard but magenta literally went through the same thing AND on top of that was into a girl with a perfectly complimentary power to hers and that girl happened to be pining for Some Guy she knew since first grade and she didn't become a villain.
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letters-from-woodsboro · 2 months ago
messy freestyle review of the substance (2024)
i! love! this! movie! i love it so much! spoilers under the cut. if you haven't seen it and somehow missed any of the buzz, go watch it before you check out ANY reviews because this would make for a hell of a blind watch. ideally get some pals together for it as a group bonding activity even
first things first demi moore and margaret qualley bodied these roles (pun absolutely intended). they were the perfect choices to portray these characters. i've seen the term "career best" in reference to both their performances and i wholeheartedly agree
i love the over-the-top angle this movie takes. there's no escape from it, it's relentless, and it's supposed to be
seriously if you wanted this movie to be more subtle then you probs just wanted to be watching a different movie. and that's fine! this one isn't gonna hit for everybody! BUT it has a very clear vision and it takes you on that journey whether you like it or not
and yeah it's gross but again, that's the point which i think is so fuckin great. more gross movies. more movies that make you wince and shift in your seat. culturally we are at the PERFECT time to bring creature features back into the zeitgeist. anti-aging as body horror is such an incredible take
i've seen people say it's misogynistic in its portrayal of womanhood, with how elisabeth's backstory is never explored or anything, but that really does loop back into the "that would be a different movie entirely" thing i mentioned before. it wouldn't have added anything for me if we got to explore her backstory, because we are already getting such an intimate look into her psyche. im actually fine with her not having a feel-good arc about how she learns to love herself and dismantle the problems in her past that made her feel lesser-than
it's also just smart to avoid the specifics. part of the Point is that these thoughts and behaviors can take hold of anyone, regardless of age or beauty or status. elisabeth's lore isn't half as important as that, she could be anyone, but she is in the upper echelon of society to further drive home the thought that Anyone Can Feel That Way. i love this element of the film!
the scene near the end where sue goes absolutely batshit is maybe my favorite thing to come out of cinema in the past decade. only kind of a joke
btw while we're talking specific scenes. dennis quaid shrimp scene is the grossest one in the movie im being so fr
and the finale! the boob and the blood and the puddle. it was definitely A Lot. i think that's what the movie needed to really drive it home, something completely off the fuckin walls. as much as i was into sue killing elisabeth as a climactic moment in the story, i thought the hard steer into blood-drenched insanity was fuckin awesome. so goofy and so FUN while simultaneously being disgusting and heartbreaking
also not really related to any of the other ones but i loooove the environment in this movie. everything is so weird and uncanny, the little details are great! it sets you up right away with the "this is not what you're used to" feeling, the alternate modern-day thing is just a good time all around
my final score: 5 out of 5 activator shots in the single-use bottle. this was one of my only five star reviews on letterboxd this year. i cannot stress enough how much this movie actually fuckin rips. if you love body horror and you haven't seen it yet GET ON IT !!! i might write up another post abt the substance (drug not the movie) itself sometime because it has such fascinating implications. that's all for now tho :)
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ithildinwrites · 4 months ago
haikyuu dumpster battle movie review
btw i copied this directly from my letterboxd review lol my acc is linked here if u wanna follow me there :)
*cracks fingers* alright here we go i pulled out the laptop to write this review i have so much to say
this is my first rewatch of the movie and i think when i watched it the first time in the cinema i was just so hyped and happy to be watching it that i just wanted to enjoy it and i didnt really think about it too deeply you know? but now rewatching it lets me think about it more and kind of analyse it properly so :)
okay first of all !!! i spent the entirety of this movie either grinning ear to ear OR crying because i love it sm. and i do not exaggerate how much i fucking cried bc istg i would wipe the tears away and calm down and then start crying again the second the next scene started like it's not even funny
i adore the relationships between karasuno and nekoma so so much like it's so cool seeing the characters and their parallels and then also their rivals yk like how daichi and kuroo are both captains and they've got that whole thing going but then there's also the rivalry between kuroo and tsukishima!!! and it's the same with shoyo and kenma and then shoyo and inouka LIKE IDK I JUST ADORE IT
furudate writes relationships so wonderfully whether you choose to interpret them romantically or platically i just think they're all so deep and important and have so much depth and importance to the plot and the characters' own development and growth it's so lovely
so the relationships! first of all yamaguchi and tsukishima. we didn't see too much of them in this movie but the little bits we did i ADORED SO SO MUCH!!!! like tsukishima saying "he's someone who's going to surpass me" about yamaguchi OH MY GOD SO CUTE and then their little high five :((( i love them sm
tsukishima himself i just love a lot especially in this movie. he has one of the best growth arcs i've seen and it's so cool seeing how much he changed from the beginning to starting to join in more in s2 during the training camp bc of kuroo and bokuto and then in s3 to stopping ushijima's spike and falling deeper into volleyball like he's so cool!!! seeing him battle against kuroo in this and LAUGH and beat him like wow he's great and he's so petty too i love him lol
KUROO AS WELL!!! i love love love all the little flashbacks they had, especially the one of kuroo and kenma in their childhood when they went to the volleyball place and they had the line about "lowering the net" because as a manga reader, knowing what kuroo ends up doing for his job and how he works to lower the net is such a cool like arc? like seeing how much he grew and how he grasped that and did it himself to help others is so lovely
if i started talking about kenma and shoyo i fear i would never shut up. their friendship means the absolute world to me like they were besties from the moment they met, calling each other by their first names when no one else calls shoyo that except for nishinoya like !!!!! kenma being besties with him when he basically doesnt talk to people like that just goes to show how much shoyo draws people to him. the fact that this friendship fully helped change the way kenma looks at volleyball because he found a worthy opponent and a worthy boss and it made him acknowledge that volleyball was FUN!!!
kenma admitting that volleyball was fun might just be my roman empire (along with one other line i'll talk about in a bit) like IT HAS SUCH AN IMPACT YK???
so many things in this movie held such impacts i think. like kageyama giving shoyo a chance to pick himself up and hit the ball. his little "fly" LIKE YES THAT'S HIS FUCKING PARTNER AND HE'S GOING TO HELP HIM GET BACK UP!!!!! and then shoyo fucking FLEW SO HIGH AND HE SLAYED WOW WHAT A GUY
shoyo's growth throughout this series (especially including the manga and brazil + timeskip stuff) is so wonderful to look at because he really grew so much and we got to witness every little bit of it like isn't that so cool??? we got to see him improve little bits of himself throughout the series and i just love it so fucking much
i need to start wrapping this up bc i've been yapping for so long okay last couple things
"thank you for teaching me volleyball" I FUCKING CRIED OKAY KENMA SAYING THAT TO KUROO IS THE SWEETEST THING EVER LIKE :((( fully attributing that he wouldnt be here today had kuroo not taught him to play volleyball and asked him to play everyday isn't that CRAZY
also i love love LOVE that kenma and kuroo were the first two to bow to nekomata and say thank you, paralleling the scene of them seeing him when they were little kids and like idk i just thought it was a really cool scene
i know i said i cried a lot during the movie but genuinely the last couple minutes from when the match ended onwards when u see them all celebrating or whatever and then speaking to their coaches and then each other!!!!! daichi and kuroo hugging, and then kuroo and tsukishima etc was so so cute to see i love the relationships between the two teams. also seeing grandpa ukai hold his hand out to the fucking tv I FUCKING LOST IT like my eyes hurt from crying so much okay i think my yap is over :D if u read this all then i hope u enjoyed my ramble lol
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sabrinatvband · 5 months ago
I'm starting a transfem media criticism site and I'm looking for contributors.
I'm starting a transfem media criticism site [tentative name NEET Ozma] that will probably go live at the beginning of November. Why? Because I've noticed that very few websites have transfem people in editorial, and it's also not common for transfem people to be staff writers.
I'm hoping this site can be a place for transfem people to publish some of their first pieces, things that aren't "notable" enough for bigger sites, and stuff that's maybe too personal for non-transfem editorial to pick over.
Before I continue, I should probably establish my cred. I'm not a big deal or anything, but you can see my portfolio on Muck Rack here. I also have a personal website that I update every week. Of course, once NEET Ozma goes live I'll be moving most of my "effort posting" there.
The editorial focus of NEET Ozma is going to be pretty broad; as long as it's about a movie, comic, videogame, etc, it's fair game. Things about media in more broad terms [comics business, physical media, etc] are also fine. Articles don't need to have some kind of trans-related angle. Articles that aren't about media [queer community discourse] aren't the focus of the site. One more thing; I'm not interested in pitches about the wizard books.
A goal of the site is that I want every post, aside from monthly round-up posts, to be a substantial feature, at least 1,500~ words long.
To provide an idea of what I'm looking for, here's some of what I've written for NEET Ozma's November and December: -Ranma 1/2: Ranma's Declaration of Womanhood piece -Thoughts on The Craft -Orcs Must Die 3 review -Destroy All Humans 2 review
And here are a few pieces that have already been published that will be re-run on NEET Ozma: -Extreme Strong Female Characters and the Transfem Gender Callus -The Genre Comics Graveyard -A Survey of Every Joan Jett Song Part 1
Articles don't have to be about things that are new, and they don't have to be about things that are popular. Please send pitches about weird PS2 games, forgotten horror movies, and misunderstood comic runs. Whatever you care about.
NEET Ozma will be volunteer driven, at least in the beginning. Everyone who writes for the site will own all of their own work, which means it can be republished later on a personal site, or sold in a collection of essays, etc.
If you want to pitch, please include a link to previous work you've done. It can be a review on Letterboxd, an effort post on Tumblr or Cohost, an article you've written for a different website. Even detailed threads on twitter or Bluesky are ok, as long as I can see that you're good at writing.
The website is going to use WordPress, so you'll eventually need a WordPress account so that you can use the site's system.
I've had some confusion about this on Bluesky [btw here's a corresponding thread on Bluesky], but you can send samples of your work and a pitch at the same time; you don't need to wait for me to ask for pitches. Send pitches and samples over DM.
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nonsenuser · 10 months ago
synecdoche, new york (2009)
absolutely incredible crazy and thoughtful film. im still thinking about it and its absurdity.. idt ive ever seen something that deals with illness death and mental health? spiralling? in such a manner. it was actually uncomfortable to see the "world" built on and on by caden and see him lose himself to it. he kind of just leans into it more as he gets more and more sick and the people around him seemingly seem to just go along with it. there is also something very interesting about the person he cast as himself (or was it the cleaner) to be a woman and there is something in the film that hints at how he kinda views himself and the lines between himself and others start to blur. a lot. its a deeply fascinating experience and you cannot help but lean into it yourself as you watch it too. in my letterboxd review i compared it to lostening to long season by fishmans because that song (40 minutes long and absolutely beautiful btw) transports you to that world in the same way. its just really really cool and im fighting between reading other peoples interpretations of the movie online vs just keeping it close to myself bc it seems like the kind of movie that i wouldn't mind having my own interpretation of with no other external influences,
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edsbacktattoo · 1 year ago
Hi! You got this ask because you’re awesome and I wanna know 7 things that made you happy these past few days! Then tag 7 of your favourite people here!
OOOOH HI ANON! you’re such a treasure, thanks so much! i won’t be tagging 7 of my favourite people because i don’t have favourites, i love everyone as much as my heart will allow (which is a lot) but! i’ll certainly tag 7 :)
i’ve been watching a horror movie every day for the month of october and have seen some really excellent movies already! my favourites so far have been The Witch, Talk to Me and REC. :) (btw if you’d like to see my reviews for all the movies i’m watching this month, here’s my letterboxd again)
my bf made me a cheese toasty the other day that was soooo delicious
recently went to the annual flower festival that happens in my city! we took some gorgeous pictures (this one is currently my lockscreen for incredibly self-indulgent ink and ichor reasons)
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left work early the other day (due to terrible and evil circumstances i literally almost quit) but! instead, i spent the afternoon out in the sunshine and bought myself a nice new cup and cardigan
made some delicious chicken wraps for dinner last night
did you. hey. did you see episodes 4 & 5 of season 2 for hbo’s hit romcom our flag means death? yeah. THATS A BIG ONE.
they held hands and kissed under a waxing moon holy fucking shit i’m gonna be riding that high for the rest of my idiot life
and bonus:
nathaniel buttons literally became a fucking bird. who the fuck is stede’s first mate now. i haven’t stopped laughing since
this was very fun and sweet! thanks again anon! i’m going to no pressure tag:
@tisziny @stedesearring @blakbonnet @gentlebeard @stedebonnets @xoxoemynn and @saltpepperbeard
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fairybenz · 10 months ago
i saw the tv glow - my thoughts!
*warning* there are spoilers in this review
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oh. my. god. i've actually been so obsessed with this film ever since i saw it! i saw it i believe may 5th? not too sure on that date, haha! either way, i've been obsessed.
so, basic summary: "A classmate introduces teenage Owen to a mysterious late-night TV show -- a vision of a supernatural world beneath their own. In the pale glow of the television, Owen's view of reality begins to crack." (pulled from google)
so, oh man. where to begin?! i'll start with the reason i wanted to watch this film, the soundtrack! i originally saw alex g was going to be on the soundtrack, so i was interested in watching. oh boy, the soundtrack definitely lived up to expectations! so many wonderful tunes, some recognizable and some new! i think my favorite track from the song was the one titled "Sunburned and Unkissed" by Caroline Polachek. Such a lovely song, i've been listening to it on repeat! literally as soon as my friend and i exited the theater, i searched for the soundtrack. every song was so fitting to the scenes they were part of. truly, i'm obsessed.
okay, besides the soundtrack, let's talk acting! the main characters in this film were Justice Smith and Brigette Lundy-Paine. both of them, in my opinion, did so well! i'm not going to lie, every time i see Justice Smith i end up thinking of detective pikachu, but that was so quickly forgotten as i got into the film itself. Brigette Lundy-Paine was also such an amazing actress, she played the role well, encompassing the awkward teenager while also playing into this darker role that we see later in the film.
according to the director, Jane Schoenbrun, the film is supposed to be a sort of look into the transgender experience, using the TV and other metaphors to help showcase it. as a queer person who falls under the trans umbrella, i thought the film did a beautiful job of doing this. it felt real, and raw. The director says themselves, "I was trying to make a work that could really feel authentic to how that really feels, rather than the kind of Hallmark card, Disney versions of transition that we see in Hollywood films written by cis people who are trying to capture something authentic but are trying to create a shallow version of representation on screen." I thought that was super important, as it's hard to find a real representation that feels real and is conveyed so beautifully. throughout, there were all these little moments that help you realize the meaning of the film, and it's almost like you're going through Owen's journey of self discovery with him. it's beautiful.
speaking of beautiful, the cinematography! oh my god! so so many beautiful scenes. the color schemes throughout were also so beautiful. seriously, the entire film i was so so intrigued. i honestly wish i knew more about cinematography so i could give a better review, but all i can say is that it was truly stunning, and a wonderful experience to watch throughout. a24 films are always so interesting in terms of cinematography, which i think they're pretty well known for. overall, was super pleased.
i think most a24 horror-themed films (from what i've seen), start off sort of slow and then bam! everything just blooms and it's so wonderfully executed.
okay, so i think i've rambled enough... overall i genuinely enjoyed this film so much and i'd love to watch it again whenever it's released on streaming sites. truly an experience, honestly a 10/10 film in my book! okay ramble over! tysm if you stuck around to this point <3
btw, my letterboxd is fairybenz if you'd like to add me there, i'm trying to be more active!!
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hellsdaydreamwastaken · 2 years ago
Oh BTW I finished Scanners and there genuinely is a lot of interesting stuff to like in it but holy SHIT Stephen Lack's lead performance drags it down. He is UNBELIEVABLY bad. He wouldn't make it as a sheep in a school play! Just some of the worst acting I've EVER seen in a movie. Bad beyond words. It's a shame because there's a lot to like in the film but that one element truly is bad enough to pretty much destroy it. And it's not an unorthodox acting style but one that works for the style of the film like a lot of Cronenberg lead performances, it really is literally just plain bad. Anyway gonna write my full review on Letterboxd later where I'll go into more detail on what I DO like about the movie (the grey morality and ambiguous ending work well and set it apart from most films of its type which tended to have quite black and white heroes and villains, and the special effects are gorgeous), but really I just couldn't get past the acting at all, even with all those elements.
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furryprovocateur · 6 months ago
this post has gotten pushback and i want to be clear i am not against the idea of someone starting out bad at a craft and getting better nor am i saying that if you're not immediately excellent at something that it is not something you can ever be good at. what i am saying is that not everyone has the desire to learn how to analyze a work in the way that a proper review or analysis truly requires. in large part i think this has been perpetuated by social media sites like rateyourmusic, letterboxd, and youtube having very minimal thresholds for reviewing (unambiguously a good thing btw), but it has led to a trend of everyone calling themselves a reviewer when they simply are not good at it. and when this is addressed to them, they will take a defensive stance and go "it's my opinion".
and that's the thing: analyses and reviews and critiques and essays are your opinion, but they're your substantiated opinion that references other works, pieces of evidence, etc. i could write twenty paragraphs about how much i like a work but if i write it poorly and repetitively it frankly means less than a two sentence soundbite. the craft is being watered down and disrespected, and now whenever says they've reviewed something, i have to wonder "did they actually review it or did they write a summary and sprinkle in occasional comments/opinions that ultimately serve no thesis?".
i did not mean to frame "smartness" in an inflammatory way in the same way that i do not think everyone who has ever written a bad review is stupid or that anyone who is not a good reviewer is stupid. without derailing the post, i personally believe there are multiple types of intelligence and gatekeeping various fields for this is not a bad thing. not everyone is capable of working on spaceships, or doing brain surgery, or counseling people through mental health crises, or writing orchestral music. these are fields that require different types of skillsets and intelligences and it's not a bad thing if you or anyone cannot meet the standards of all of them or even any of them. my point is that people should try to express themselves in the ways that fit them and their perspective, instead of trying to shrink themselves down to a mold that doesn't fit or serve them.
i just want to stop seeing bad reviews and shoddy analysis. that's all.
the problem with everyone becoming a reviewer and essayist now is that, plainly and gently, a lot of these people are not smart enough for the position
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bayenji · 25 days ago
The Pioneering Years (Vol. 1 - No. 1)
Enchanted by the origins of film, I decided to explore some of the early films in cinema history. And I mean, the earliest.
With all of the modern innovations, stylistic freedom and major access we now have to film, I felt it was important to know where it all started at a more intimate level. So, that was one of my New Year's resolutions.
Starting off strong with Sallie Gardner at a Gallop (1878).
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It's simple, according to modern standards. 24 photographs shot in sequence to each other using a zoopraxiscope. I promise you, I didn't even read that word. Directed by Eadweard Muybridge, the series of photographs pioneered the illusion of a moving picture. The Horse in Motion.
It got a recent reference in Jordan Peele's Nope (2022) and I so cleverly joked in my Letterboxd review:
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Now, I'm getting into the hard specifics of these films. More so what I have picked up on and what remains today. My Letterboxd btw ;)
Next up, Roundhay Garden Scene (1888)
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A little bit closer to what we can consider to be a 'seamless' albeit very short video. In just ten years, the advancement of technology had made it possible to replicate motion in a fluid fashion, although I have some comments about their dancing but I'll give them grace.
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Then come the Lumière brothers, Auguste and Louis with their ground-breaking, earthshattering and mindboggling depiction of everyday scenes on film using a cinematographe. Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory (1895) and The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat (1896).
Truly revolutionary and if given the chance I would interview them about what they think of cinema today. The fruits of their creation. I mean it's an question with an endless scope of answers.
There are a couple more films that I explored. Most were short and silent . Some were long and silent. As a person who loves sound design, I was hoping for a break from the music backing. But alas, my modern privilege is showing.
I'll insert the stills here:
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Yes, one of them is in colour don't ask me how - I truly don't know.
But the main point of this article, the main attraction : Count Orlok. I mean. Nosferatu.
The moment they announced that they were doing an adaptation of F.W. Murnau's Nosferatu, I was gagged. Floored, honestly. Now, I'm not one to revel in the gothic genre nor its aesthetic but something about this film is so intriguing. Unsettling. Camp.
Nosferatu (1922) is just a mirror of what horror started out as. If I was to use a niche reference, I considered it niche doesn't mean it actually is, Nosferatu (2024) definitely survived the agony so it could talk to it's great-grandfather about how best to adapt it to modern standards.
So, with all that hype I geared myself up for... I am yet to finish the film. Trust me, I am halfway done. For both of them actually. A double review will definitely be on the cards. Don't ask me when.
In all seriousness, I think knowing where films came from to what they are now is amazing and fascinating. It helps create a more rounded experience. A reminder that every film truly is a work of art. In all its subjectivity.
Go check out my Instagram post:
For some visuals, of course.
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bisluthq · 3 months ago
My question about RT is: what makes you a critic? Because they have reviews from people who write for real magazines and newspapers but they also have rebeccalovesmovies.com (I made that up, I don’t know if it exists) in the critics reviews. I get why a person who works writing reviews for newspapers can be considered a *real* critic but why is Rebecca any more of a critic than people writing reviews on letterboxd? What makes you go from “audience” to “critic”?
like I say, the tomato meter doesn’t make much sense. Sometimes it considers things that aren’t even reviews as reviews. I have a published opinion editorial that contributes to the fresh rating of a particular tv show but the thing is my piece wasn’t a review, it was an opinion piece on gender in TV. I don’t know how it decided it was a review or that it was fresh because like… that’s not what I wrote. Anyway. It doesn’t make sense. That *was* for a legit publication btw but it still makes no sense to me and I wouldn’t know about it if it wasn’t tied to my name lol. Idk how they decide which publications are counted and which aren’t, and I don’t know how they decide if it’s a review or not, and I don’t know how they decide if it’s fresh or rotten.
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wutheringheightsfilm · 3 months ago
How good is the Wuthering Heights adaptation with Timothy Dalton? My mom mentioned it and I immediately thought "Damn I should ask wutheringheightsfilm about it"
HAHAHAH. This is beautiful I'm glad I've made such an impact...
The Timothy Dalton adaptation is. well. very bad. It doesn't actually tell the story of Wuthering Heights at all. Timothy Dalton himself is rather good (for a white man...ugh) as Heathcliff considering he's only 24 in it, and I did appreciate that they actually cast Nelly correctly age wise, but overall it's such a disappointment.
To summarize my letterboxd review (which I've included under the cut because I know not everyone wants to click a link), the plot is completely wrong, most of the very iconic lines are missing, half the characters are missing... it's a shitshow. Which is unfortunate because for some reason a large swathe of people love to claim this is the best version of Wuthering Heights? Which is the most untrue thing I've ever heard in my life LMAO. I think I gave it half a star 😭
Thank you for asking me I'm absolutely honored you immediately thought to consult me about this 😭
Here's my letterboxd review of it (under the cut because it's rather long and contains spoilers):
Everyone who said this was the best version of Wuthering Heights is a liar. Yes, Timothy Dalton at age 24 playing Heathcliff (in all honesty the one full star is going to him for his portrayal) with the velvet suit ensemble and the Chanel boots was serving, but plot wise? This was not Wuthering Heights. This was some of the characters--not even all of them, because half of the main characters are missing--of Wuthering Heights doing...fuck all? Doing something that sort of looks like Wuthering Heights if you look at it from a very far distance? 
We don't even get some of the most iconic lines in all of British classical literature: "He's more myself than I am, whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same" and Heathcliff's "May she wake in torment!... You say I killed you,---haunt me then!" speech are both missing. 
Yet another odd adaptation of Wuthering Heights wherein the second generation (Cathy, Hareton [well, Hareton does briefly exist but then they kill him off for some reason?], and Linton) are all missing, which absolutely takes away from the points Emily Bronte made about cyclical abuse, revenge, and generational trauma. The Lockwood framing device is also missing, yet for some odd reason in the first 15 minutes Nelly is narrating (which doesn't happen again, btw) as if she is telling the story to someone, but this never gets resolved. 
All of this is an absolute shame, because this so far (of all 11 films of Wuthering Heights that I'm in the middle of watching) is one of the few to actually cast Nelly correctly in terms of age. In the book, she's actually not that much older than Hindley, maybe a year or two, or less; they're around the same age, she was raised partially alongside Hindley and Catherine for some of her childhood. A lot of adaptations cast Nelly as a woman in her 50s or even 60s, but this adaptation didn't, which is very refreshing! I also really loved Nelly's characterization here. Nelly is notoriously an unreliable narrator, and she also very notably does not like Catherine NOR Heathcliff. In this version, you really get the sense that Nelly is just resigned and done with everyone's bullshit, and it's fantastic.
This was just...a really disappointing watch, especially with a lot of Letterboxd users hyping this one tf up. What the hell you guys?? Why did they kill Hareton and not even include the second generation? Why did Heathcliff die via HINDLEY SHOOTING HIM IN THE CHEST? That didn't happen at all in the book like at that point why not just make Heathcliff walk out onto the moors and just collapse and die?? That would've at least been closer to canon 😭
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james-stark-the-writer · 6 months ago
just finished the I Am Groot S02 shorts (they're free on YouTube btw) and they're all such a fun little treat, and the only reason i can stomach going into a Michael Waldron project following Secret Invasion, which was already a shitshow. anyway, the shorts are really fun.
My ★★★½ review of Are You My Groot? on Letterboxd
My ★★★★ review of Groot Noses Around on Letterboxd
My ★★★★★ review of Groot's Snow Day on Letterboxd
My ★★★★ review of Groot's Sweet Treat on Letterboxd
My ★★★★★ review of Groot and the Great Prophecy on Letterboxd
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theboost · 3 years ago
Honestly this is exactly how I watch movies
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